Approaching re-accreditation of the JCI

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  2. Nanbu Tokushukai Hospital
  3. News from hospital
  4. Approaching re-accreditation of the JCI


JCI is an international medical accreditation organization that was established in 1994.
Its mission is to improve medical safety and quality continuously.
The survey is held every 3 years, and to achieve re-accreditation requires meeting the numbers of relevant criteria.
Our hospital challenged the initial survey and was accredited in December 2015.
The 1st renewal of the accreditation survey was given and accredited in December 2018.
And most recently, the second renewal of accreditation was due and the survey took place from November 29, 2021, ~ December 3rd, 2022. It completed a total of 5 days of a thorough examination.
Under the influence of the current situation with Corona, the survey was completely virtual and all surveyors were giving us surveys from each of their own countries. Since there were time differences between the countries, for some surveyors, the survey was taking place in the middle of the night. Thank you all for your effort to carry out the survey.

*Because of all the staffs’ effort, we were able to be re-accredited by JCI this time again!